By Sunday Oyinloye
Dr. Kay Morris is a trail-blazer and a world changer; she is transforming and touching lives of thousands around the world. Dr. Morris is a multitalented anointed Christian Professional Life Coach who is breaking chains and dismantling demonic shackles off the lives of God’s people who are bound by fear, anxiety, depression and all types of demonic oppression.
Kay Morris help Professional mature women move from pain to purpose. She is not just a Life Coach; Dr. Morris is a multi-award winning internationally-acclaimed Gospel Hall of Famer, Grammy Considered singer and songwriter, Conference Speaker, Mentor, and Fashion Designer.
She is a native of Jamaica raised by two Pentecostal Minister Parents. Her late mother Dr. Dorine Chambers, discovered that she was gifted to sing, and at the tender age of 4 her singing ministry started; her ministry spans approximately 55 years.

The Gospel singer is the President and Founder of the Kay Morris Foundation, a non-profit organization she founded in 2003 to advocate and address the HIV/AIDS epidemic that was taking the lives of millions of people in Sub-Saharan Africa.
In 2006, Dr. Kay Morris became a part of the solution to the AIDS crisis in Africa, when she brokered $1.5 million in anti-retroviral drugs for people living with HIV/AIDS. She is a world changer and trail blazer being the voice of the voiceless for marginalized people, women, and children who have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS; she advocates against maternal mortality by donating medicines and medical supplies to clinics and hospitals to save the lives of women and children in Africa.
She alleviates poverty by donating food to many Nations on the Continent of Africa and other Third World Countries.
As a Global humanitarian/philanthropist and Minister of the Gospel, Kay Morris has travelled around the world to many Nations singing and speaking at conferences to audiences of over 200,000, bringing change and transforming the lives of thousands of people.

Dr. Kay Morris holds a Bachelor of Theology degree, an Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree, and an Honorary Doctor of Humanities Degree. She is a Professional, Personal, and Christian Life Coach; she received her certification at the Breakthrough Leadership & Coaching Academy. She is presently a Coach at Kingdom Builders Academy (KBA).
Dr. Morris is known as the Purpose Mid-Wife Coach; she helps professional mature women move from pain to deliver their true Kingdom purpose. She is connecting with the Queen Esther’s of today, getting them from stuck to soaring and from breakdown to breakthrough; with the Dunamis Power of The Holy Spirit, she is transforming the lives of modern Esther’s who are called to the Kingdom for such a time as this.
Through her personal life experiences, Dr. Morris can identify and relate with the pain many that women are going through. She is an Anointed woman of God who does not compromise the Spiritual core.
Green Savannah Diplomatic Cable asked Dr. Morris on phone when she would like to retire having put about 55 years into her singing ministry, but she says there is nothing like retirement on her agenda