Multiple awards’ winner, Kay Morris is one woman who has made giving part of her life. For weeks, the Gospel Artist has been busy working on Hospital Beds Project for her country, Jamaica. Not forgetting Africa her roots, Kay Morris is also planning to touch more lives in the continent. The Canadian-based Artist has just received International Gospel Artist of The Year Award from Rhythm of Gospel Awards in America. Kay Morris in this interview with Sunday Oyinloye, Publisher of Green Savannah Diplomatic Cable says music should build and not destroy lives.

You have just received Rhythm of Gospel Awards in America as International Gospel Artist of The year, what does that mean to you?
To God be the glory. I am very grateful to God and the ROG Awards committee for this wonderful opportunity to be recognized for my music in the USA. This award speaks volume to me because it tells me that people around the world are hearing and appreciating my style of Gospel music. The message is about unity, peace, and love which are what the world needs today!

Were you expecting such before your nomination?
No. I knew that I was nominated but I had no idea I was going to win. For this particular awards platform, people have to vote to determine who the winners are; so I was very excited and elated when I learnt that I won the International Gospel Artist of The Year Award.
What are you doing to encourage upcoming Gospel Artists?
I am a mentor to many youths who are upcoming Gospel Artists. I have been giving them advice about branding and of how to prepare themselves for effective ministry. I also help to promote their music and ministry on several international platforms to give them exposure in various markets and territories.
If you are asked to address young musicians, what will you tell them?
When it comes to the young musicians, the foundation has to be set right and in some cases corrections need to be made. Young musicians must be informed and not be misinformed about Gospel music. Gospel music ministry cannot be systematic because the Bible says it’s by reason of the anointing that yokes are destroyed. Therefore, I would tell them to get to know God for themselves and develop a good relationship with Him. I have seen where the devil was trying to use Gospel music to create division, discord, and disunity in the Body of Christ. We are supposed to be coming together as Gospel artists/musicians and use our diverse gifts and talents to sing and play for the Lord. The secular world has it down packed but why is the Body of Christ so divided? God gets no glory out of such demonic system, it is of the devil. I would tell this young generation of musicians that singing and playing music are not competition but rather to glorify God and win souls for His Kingdom. Remember, we all are born with our own unique gifts and talents, and our ministry is designed to give God glory and draw people to Him. Everyone was not born to be singing the same way or singing the same style, otherwise the world would be a very boring place; God is a God of diversity. Musicians should walk in humility and not in pride that is a lucifarian spirit because he thought that he was the best and even started to compete with God. They should learn to write their own music, brand themselves in excellence and let it be all about ministry not about entertainment because we are called to win souls. I would advise them not run after fame and money because that is a very destructive path that the devil might use to entrap them and subsequently use to derail their ministry. They should accept love offering but not sell the Gospel; as they grow in ministry, they should be wise and let the Lord direct them, because when they take care of God’s business, God will take care of them. They should be caring about others, put God first in everything that they do, be focused and not get discouraged if things do not work out the first time, or even the second time. They should invest in themselves, work with others in a spirit of unity, don’t be afraid to embrace people of other ethnicity .Heaven is not segregated or divided. They should network in churches, conferences, ministries and so on. Of course, they should keep trying because a winner never quits and a quitter never wins. They should read the Word, pray, fast, and have a relationship with God. These are very important keys to having a better next generation of musicians.
What will your Foundation be doing in months ahead?
I am currently working on a Hospital Beds Project for my country Jamaica; in addition, there are a couple of missions that are in the pipeline for Africa and so it’s a busy time addressing the needs of humanity.
Do you see yourself retiring from music any time soon?
No sir, retirement is not in my vocabulary nor is it on my agenda; in old age, I will still be bearing musical fruits. My assignment is very great and so I will always be working for the Lord
What is your message to the entertainment world?
Personally, I do not classify myself as an entertainer. First and foremost, I am a Minister of the Gospel, one who is on a soul winning mission for the Kingdom of God. Entertainment is of the flesh and cannot win souls but ministry is of the spirit which draws people to Christ. However, if I were to give a message to “the entertainment world” it would be that they should start writing and producing positive lyrics and music that will help to steer the next generation in the right direction. Some of the lyrics and music they are producing today are destroying the lives of our young people; the message should be more about love, peace, and unity.